On Ami --> Visit her blog : http://starsshine-amixita.blogspot.com/ Hair: booN GGL309 Top: *COCO*_TurtleneckSweater_Shirt Skirt: KIM- Party Mesh Skirt Black Jacket: *COCO*_DenimJacket(Midnight)_Jacket Earrings: [DDL] Dont Bring Me Down Earring Necklace: [DDL] Dont Bring Me Down Necklace Rings: [label mode] demeter ring(gold) Bag: Mentine TYCOON Leather Pochette Shoes: NX-Nardotix Kurvy Ruby Slipper Shoes Poses: -.label motion.- On me Skin: 02 Pale Skin -Bella- /*school *REDGRAVE* Hair: "LoQ Hair" Marsmallow - Strawberry @ TDRB Hat *COCO*_WoolFeltFedora_Black( Sweater: Gawk!...
LOTD- 10
12:26 PM / BY Adriana Bombastic
Skin: Al Vulo!* Polly 2 [ New !!! ] Makeup and freckles: Al Vulo!* Polly 2 [ New !!! ] Hair: magari - alyssa II - apricot [ New !!! ] Shirt: Part of [V] - Lace Dress - White [ New !!! ] Necklace: Part of GoK- Vintage Pearls Dress NavyPants: R.icielli - ELIZA highwaisted pants /jeanspatternBelt: Voix//KnotBelt -Red Bag: GoK- Anchor Bag White [ New !!! ] Nails: Izzie's - French Nails [ New !!! ] Boots: [v] -...
3:29 AM / BY Adriana Bombastic
Skin: <TheAbyss> [ SKIN ][ Ama Garijus_Dusk ][ Femme_Fatale ]Lips: .:Glamorize:. Pink Chic - LipsHair: -Likeli- Eleazia curly Black [ New !!! ] Earrings: :::[S]::: Quad Diamond w/ Barrel Studs [ New !!! ] Shirt: .:villena:. - Panda Skull cotton pullover (mesh) [ New !!! ] Tights: Izzie's - Tights tornNecklace: :::[S]::: Gold Crowned Bear Chain [ New !!! ] Ring: :::[S]::: Gold Spiked Cross Ring [ New !!! ] Nails: Izzie's - Tribal Nails [ New !!! ] Boots: :::[S]:::...
10:49 AM / BY Adriana Bombastic
Skin: [YOON SKIN] :: Isabella :: Skin Sunkissed [ New !!! ] Makeup: [YOON SKIN] Makups Glutony Hair: booN GGL309 hair gold [ New !!! ] Earrings: :::[S]::: Black Ultra Circle Hoops [ New !!! ] Necklace 1: Glamorize-YOU ROCK BLACK Necklace 2: [ glow ] studio - Crosses Necklace (silver) Tattoo: LaMalvadaMujer - El Colibri' Ring: Glamorize - EGGS - BIG PEARL Nails: N-core Manicure Jacket: [Cynful] Lala's Shrug - Where Is The Concert? [ New !!! ] Corset:...
2:18 AM / BY Adriana Bombastic
Skin: 02 Pale Skin -Bella- /*school *REDGRAVE* [ Recent Release !!! ] Hair: "LoQ Hair" Marsmallow - Chocolate Copper @ TDRBGlasses: [LeLutka]-CIRCACIA Sunglasses/BrownEarrings: [[SHADE THRONE]] DODEMATH earringsNecklace: [EY:NO] Watering Can Necklace [ New !!! ] Sweater: Baiastice_Shirley mesh sweater-blue/gold @ TDRBPants: [V] - Hw vintage patches - khaki [ New !!! ] Bag: ~Pepper~ Star Hunter Mesh Bag - TAN [ New !!! ] ♥Nails: Izzie's - French Nails [ New !!! ] Ring : NHA! Ring MelindrosaBoots: ::Kookie::Dirty Muse...
4:38 PM / BY Adriana Bombastic
Skin: al vulo!- sakia* camelia Cacoa [ Recent Release !!! ] Hair: ""D!va"" Hair "Naomi" Glasses: (epoque) Oversized Shades - Neutral Jacket: AOHARU_W-RidersLeatherBlouson_Beige [ Recent Release !!! ] Sweater 1: AOHARU_BT_TurtleNeckKnit_Nude Sweater 2: imc :: Tiger Sweatshirt - Brown [ Recent Release !!! ] Pants:ISON - distressed leather pants (brown) Necklace: NHA! Necklace Lohan [ New !!! ] Bag: Maitreya Leather Satchel * Mustard Shoes: {KOKOIA} :: Exclusive Shoes :: BERLIN :: FWH Pose: -. label motion .- Thanks Hlin,...
11:48 AM / BY Adriana Bombastic
This post is special as well do it with my friend Amixita is my first post with collaborators. After being a long time to get us photos for my great pc... we did it: DHope you enjoy itThanks for your patience Ami ♥ On Amixita --> http://starsshine-amixita.blogspot.com/ Skin: Chewie&Co. Skin Vega Tangerine frecks ( Temporarily Closed )Hair: [LeLutka]-VICTORIAEyelashes: Eyelashes -16- Elemental *REDGRAVE*Glasses: MIEL HIPSTER PEEPERS - tortoise shell Shirt: Color.Me.H.O.F [MorningAfterShirt[Black]Leggins: CHANTKARE TWIGS LEGS Undie @TFGNails: ::TGIS::...
10:01 AM / BY Adriana Bombastic
Skin: *REDGRAVE* Preview Pale Skin --Bella-- [ New !!! ] ♥Hair: .: vive nine :. Tall Tales Pony in Albine (rooted)@ Collabor88Glasses: [AB] Viva La Melia Icon Shades in OnyxNecklace: NHA! Necklace TonyEarrings: NHA! Earrings Aileen [ New !!! ] ♥Tattoo: .:: Delusions ::. Wild Side Bracelets: GoK- Sharp Wristband [ Recent Release !!! ] Armwarmer: Maitreya ArmWarmer Shirt: IMBUE. Tiger Tee@ TFGPants: Emery - Denim Orchid Club #2Socks: *BOOM* Cuffed socks Boots:*REDGRAVE* Survivor-Boots Cotton -Camel- [ New !!! ]...
I´m back :D
6:00 PM / BY Adriana Bombastic
Skin: [Ill] Illusory Skin - Love_Latte - Winter Edge Shape: ::Petit Pois:: Shape Jennifer [ New !!! ] ♥ Lips: [M] Cosmetics - Lipstick - Pink Tattoo: .:villena:. - Stay Gold Hair: ::::Fab-U-Lous:::: Nina [ New !!! ] Piercing: [AB] Theology Nose Piercing Necklace: NHA! Necklace Obsoletto [ New !!! ] Ring: NHA! Ring Obsoletto [ New !!! ] Sweater: Color.Me.H.O.F [LazyDaySweater[Aqua] @Seasons Gatcha Pants: H.LUZZA Silk leggins Bag: tulip. Breakable (Eggplant) @Seasons Gatcha Shoes: Mstyle DIDI Pumps -...
Not Just Anybody
10:27 AM / BY Adriana Bombastic
Skin: Inaya > Skin Nanthwan ( mk 1) [ New !!! ] Shape: ::Petit Pois:: Shape Nicki Hair and hairbase: -Likeli- GuiSy v4 noir- [ New !!! ] Tattoo: [JB] Juicy Box - Only Jesus can Judge Me [ New !!! ] Shirt: part of Fleshtone Essentials :: ErinLaceDress [Black] Skirt: Emery - Skirt B-Zip #Sailor Tights: !Doux Petit Dahl - Crochet Tights BLACK Fur: .S h i - Fur Collar Necklace: :::[S]::: Gold Double Chain [ New !!! ...
3:55 AM / BY Adriana Bombastic
Skin: [YOON SKIN]:: Milka :: [ New !!! ] Hair: Baiastice-Miranda hair attachment Hairbase: R E M O R S E - Mohawk Fade "W/O Facial" Brown Sweater: part of :STICKY FINGERS: My sepia cable knit Vest: ISON - belted fur vest (snow) Pants: Maitreya Leather Legging Oil [ New !!! ] Nose piercing: Nose Chain-X Gold -RYCA- Shoes: . S H I - S a n g u i n e Ankle Heel_ Beige Pose: -....
Fear me
2:48 PM / BY Adriana Bombastic
Skin: Baiastice_Nina-dark -make up 11 Shape: ::Petit Pois:: Shape Nicki Hair: *~*Damselfly*~*Maitane [ New !!! ] Dress: Belote - My Black Satin Dress [ New !!! ] Jacket: Part of ** DIRAM ** MARIELLA Attire Pants: Emery - Jean Skinny Passe #Gray Tattoo chest: [JB] Juicy Box Tattoo - Fear me [ New !!! ] Tattoo feet: [JB] Juicy Box Tattoo - Captain of my soul [ New !!! ] Shades: [AB] Millamanti Shades in Gold Necklace: [ glow...
January ...
3:27 AM / BY Adriana Bombastic
On left Skin: Al vulo!- Polly* natural sunkissed @ Private RoomShape: ::Petit Pois:: Shape AntineaLips: "tSg" Dark Nude Lipgloss NTHair: [LeLutka]-QCX hair - BlondeFunSweater and shirt: AOHARU_PulloverwithShirt [ New !!! ]Pants: Baiastice_Gyll Fall trousers-brownEarrings: [ glow ] studio - Kurba earring woodBangles: *League* Wanderer -Oak- Necklace: [glow] Studio Necklace - TaurusBag: HouseofFox :: TheRoman2.0 Boots: *FIR & MNA* The Orann Boots Brown On right Skin: Al vulo!- Polly* cacoa @ Private RoomShape: ::Petit Pois:: Shape AntineaHair: Point...
Happy New Year !
1:48 PM / BY Adriana Bombastic
Skin: [ YOON ] :: Milka :: Chocolate [ New !!! ] Shape: ::Petit Pois:: Shape Antinea Eyeliner: (love) eyeliner - headliner Hair: (Paper Couture) Femme Fatale Bun - Black Dress: Gawk! Black Sequin Mini Dress [ New !!! ] Jacket: (epoque) Blazer - Nude Combo Ring: [DDL] Rumour Has It....@ Private Room Clutch: Fleshtone Essentials :: Toni Fold-Over Clutch Necklace: [AB] Theology Necklace Bracelet: TDR Special - Wood white thick bangle Shoes: Venezia Shoes (Black RGB)...