Saturday, November 26, 2011

From event to event

Skin: KRASOTA - Vivian skin T. 4 m. 3 [ New !!!  ]
Hair: .b - tangled - dark browns
Lashes: Izzie's - Eyelashes v1.04  [ New !!!  ]
Dress: ISON - leather dress (v-cut) @ Vintage Fair
Belt: HouseofFox :: RelentlessBelt[Black]
Necklace and earrings: [[SHADE THRONE]] DODEMATH
Gloves: Halcali:::Short Gloves  [ New !!!  ]
Ring: HouseofFox :: ForeverYoung Ring
Tights: KRASOTA - Tights bow
Bag: (PRISS) - Ereenu Oversized Clutch /Store Gift/
Shoes: N-core FEMME

Poses: Purple Poses

Thanks Ninasbell, Audrey, Icco, Nuria, Undo and Izzie for ur support ♥
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